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Hubungan Tingkat Kecemasan dengan Gangguan Siklus Menstruasi pada Remaja Putri
Adolescent girls during puberty have several problems including the development of attitudes, physical changes, menstrual cycle conditions, acne, obesity and disease. Most women who are experiencing menstrual cycle irregularities are very susceptible to depression because the situation creates uncertainty that causes anxiety. This study aimed to determine the relationship between anxiety levels and menstrual cycle disorders in adolescent girls. The research design used literature review. Data collection procedure used organisizing, synthesize, identify, and formulate. The journals studied were 10 journals taken from the Garuda Portal, Google Schoolar, Proquest, and Atlantis Press using the keywords "anxiety" and "menstrual cycle disorders" for national journals and "anxiety" and "menstrual cycle disorders" for international journals. The time span used was 2017-2021. The results of a journal review suggested that the level of anxiety experienced by adolescents ranges from no anxiety to severe anxiety, and most of them experience menstrual cycle disorders. The results of the journal analysis suggested that there was relationship between anxiety levels and menstrual cycle disorders in adolescent girls. This is because the anxiety control center in the brain is very close to the center for regulating menstruation. Stimulation of psychosocial stressors causes neural networks in the brain to also signal that something is wrong and requires immediate attention which will stimulate hormonal mechanisms. The release of releasing hormones is strongly influenced by the feedback mechanism of estrogen in the hypothalamus which in turn affects the menstrual process.
087/S1P/2021 | 087-2021 SKRIPSI S1 KEPERAWATAN | Perpustakaan (SKRIPSI S1 KEPERAWATAN) | Tersedia |
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Penerbit | STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto : Mojokerto., 2021 |
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Perpustakaan STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI
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