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Peningkatan Personal Hygiene Penderita Skabies Pada Remaja Dengan Menggunakan Metode Peer Group
The cleanliness of the skin and mucous membranes is very important because the skin is the body's first line of defense from germs. Low levels of hygiene and sanitation as well as socio-economic factors trigger scabies. The purpose of this study was to improve the Personal Hygiene of patients with scabies in adolescents using the Peer Group method. The design of the study used Pre-Experiment with type one group pretest-posttest design. The population of all students in the RoudlotunNasyiin Islamic Boarding School is 24 students, sampling using total sampling with a sample of 24 respondents. The study was conducted for 3 weeks with 3 cycles. The results of the study at the RoudlotunNasyiin Islamic Boarding School in Kemlagi District, Mojokerto Regency showed that all respondents before being given the peer group method included in the inappropriate hygiene category were 24 respondents (100%) and after the peer group method, almost all respondents entered the hygiene category exactly 22 respondents (91.7%). There is an increase in the personal hygiene of female students at the Roudlotun Nasyiin Islamic Boarding School because respondents follow the peer group procedures well and use them in their daily lives. There is the influence of peer group education on personal hygiene of female students in the Roudlotun Nasyiin Islamic Boarding School. The peer group method can provide information through peers, those who live together will know each other so that they can remind each other about personal hygiene students.
106/S1P/2019 | 106-2019 SKRIPSI S1 KEPERAWATAN | Perpustakaan (SKRIPSI S1 KEPERAWATAN) | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - Missing |
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Penerbit | STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI Mojokerto : Mojokerto., 2019 |
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Perpustakaan STIKES Bina Sehat PPNI
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